One good thing that came out of living in the south, even though many people say Arkansas is more Mid-west in culture, is grits. I guess my grit eating days began in the hallows of Waffle House. but the idea of gourmet grits sounded even better.

Anyway what I'm trying to say is that I've been having cheesy grits in the morning with hot sauce and a poached egg and it's delicious:

Joy's Morning Cheesy Grits
some grits -- I use polenta flour, it's basically any coarsely ground corn.
half a cube of chicken boullion. I have done it both with milk and boullion and I think pure boullion is better, and water (or obviously chicken broth).
(sorry I'm not being highly specific here, making grits is like making oatmeal, just make sure you don't have too little liquid or too much)
extra sharp white cheddar cheese
chopped coriander
chopped green onions
hot sauce your favorite I tend to use mexican style for this recipe
poached egg

freshly ground black pepper

Bring the broth to a boil, throw in grits, stir over lowered heat. Chop the rest of the stuff up except the egg, poach egg. The grits should be finished pretty fast like 5-10 minutes, in a nice bowl place the cheddar on the bottom, pour in the hot grits, place poached egg on top with the sprinkle of green onions and coriander.

Brekkie, good stick to your ribs stuff.



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